Monday, February 18, 2019

The Third Day at School

My Third Day at the school
January, 10th 2019
Lets me tell you about my wanderful experience i got at school

              Having arrived at school, i joined in the ceremony conducted by school members  in the front yard of the school. The first occasion done by the students was playing some music stuff/instruments conducted by marching band followed by the national song to fly the flag.

            After flying the flag, they turned around to the east side to pray for their god as in the east side there is their buddish tample.In the end of the ceremony,  they often have a special occasion like what has been done today. Some young students went to the stage to deliver their english speech in front of their friends.
         Here is the video when the deligations of the students in elementary school do their conversation on the stage by using english. They were so clever, aren't they?

           At nine a’clock,Mom Kun my advisor at the school and I looked around to control some classes that face the midterm test. According to the schedule, the first subject examinated to the students especially seconday school students was Mathematic a very difficult subject according the students’ view. There are approximately 30 students in each class doing the examination.
The schedule of Mid-Term Test they did

The situation when the students from the third grade of Junior High School did the Mid-Test.
             The time they had to accomplish the examination was 50 minutes . When the examination was over, i then assisted Mom Kun to give some assessments on the students answer sheets. Here is the method thai teacher utilize to correct the students answers.
Mom Kun, my mentor at school taught me how to perforate the sheets to be used to check the students' answers.

Then, I , by myself helped her to check the students' answers by employing Thai teachers' technique
             The total of question the students did was 20, 15 questions for the multiple choice and the rest was true and false question.  To determine wheather the students’ answers are correct or not, they used a peace of paper having been hollowed on the correct answer column, accordingly, they can correct the students’s answers easier. For the total of the correct number, we had to write that at the right corner of the answer sheet like what you see in this picture. As the teacher, Mom Kun and I share our technique in doing the assesment. I shared the indonesian technique to her especially in correcting the students answersheets. In Indonesia, we commonly utilize a piece of plactic to correct the students's answer sheets, because it would be easier for the teacher to do the assessment.
I gave the example to Mom Kun of how Indonesian teachers check the students' answers.
           Today there were many knowledges about how to teach, how to assess, and how to manage the class under thai style.  


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