Thursday, February 7, 2019

Chapter 4. Teaching Plan

1.      Teaching Plan
4.1  Curriculum related to your major
The curriculum i used aas i practice in ban makkhaeng school was curriculum 2013 from indonesia as my mentor wanted me to do that in order to be able to compare our technique in teachin  .It emphasizes in improving the students character and competence obligated the styudents to be more active in the class.
4.2  Teaching plan related to your major

School Name                    : Ban Makkhaeng School
Subject                                    : English
Class/Term                  : 3 Low Secondary Class/ 1
Topic                           : Preposition of Movement
Aspect/Skill                 : Speaking and Writing
Time Allocation          : 50 minutes

A.                Competence Standard

1.                        Respecting and comprehending the religion doctrine followed.
2.                        Respecting and comprehending attitude of honesty, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerance, cooporation), sympathetic care, confidence in the interaction effectively with social environment and nature in association reach and existance.
3.                        Comprehending the knowledges (factual,conceptual and procedural) under their curiousity about science, technology, art, culture dealing with phenomenon and visible occasion.
4.                        Attempting, processing, and serving in concrete meadow (employing, defiding, arranging, modifying, and creating) and abstract meadow (writting, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) based on what have been taught at school and other same sources in the theory or point of view.
B.                 Basic Competence
     1.5 Explaining plainly the events happening.
C.                 Indicators :
                                                                    1.5.1           Listen and repeat after your teacher about the vocabularies of preposition of movement.
                                                                    1.5.2             Fill the column with the suitable answer according to the video.
                                                                    1.5.3           Mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video.
                                                                    1.5.4           Please make these blank sentences to be a meaningful sentences using the suitable preposition of movements.
D.                 Learning Aims :
After learning the material of preposition of movement, the students are expected to be able to:
                                                                    1.5.1           Listen and repeat after your teacher about the vocabularies of preposition of movement.
                                                                    1.5.2             Fill the column with the suitable answer according to the video.
                                                                    1.5.3           Mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video.
                                                                    1.5.4           Please make these blank sentences to be a meaningful sentences using the suitable preposition of movements.

E.                 Learning Material
F.                  Approach, strategy and learning model
1.                   Approach                    : Scientific Approach
2.                   Learning Model          :
1)                   Individual work
G.                Steps Activity
The First Meeting
Learning Activity
Time Management
a.      Opening

1.      Teacher checks the readiness of the students to study either physically or psychologically.
2.      Teacher explains about the learning activities and the competences that will be achieved.
3.      Teacher gives the illustration of the activities that will be done by the students in learning process.
5 minutes
b.      Whilst
ü  The students are given the stimulation about preposition of movement materials suitable with the surrounding.
ü  The students are given the opportunity to read the definition and kinds of preposition of movement suitable with the surrounding.
ü  The students observe the instances of preposition of movement suitable with the surrounding.
ü  The teacher plays the video of preposition of movement to strengthen the students’ memorise.
ü  By the teacher’s guidance,  the students are able to understand the material about preposition of movement
ü  The students comprehend the use of preposition of movement in the daily life.
ü  By the teacher guidance, the students are asked to fill the columns with suitable answer according to the video provided by the teacher.
ü  The students are also asked to mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video having been prepared by the teacher.
ü  The students are commended to make these blank sentences to be a meaningful sentences using the suitable preposition of movements.
ü  The students are asked to accomplish there task in hurry, thus the one who has the higest score and can answer the question correctly will be given present in the next meeting after the teacher checks the score.
ü  The students are given the opportunity to ask their problems in comprehending the material.

50 Minutes
c.       Closing
ü  The students by the guidance of their teacher take summarize of the material they have learnt.
ü  Teacher utters the learning plan in the next meeting.
5 minutes

H.                 Tool/Media/Learning Source :
1.                   Media                          : Video, Music,Cork, and Flash Card
2.                  Tool                              : Whitboard, Felt-tip Marker dan LCD       Projector
3.                   Learning Source          :
1)                   Handbook : Extra Access Book
I.               Assessments
Listen and repeat after your teacher about the vocabularies of preposition of movement.
Oral Test
Listen and repeat after your teacher about the vocabularies of preposition of movement.
Fill the column with the suitable answer according to the video
Written Test
Written Question
Fill the column with the suitable answer according to the video
Mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video.
Written Test
Written Question
Mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video.
Make 5 sentences using these preposition of movements.
Written Test
Written Question
Please make these blank sentences to be a meaningful sentences using the suitable preposition of movements.

a. Assessment Rubric
The content and grammar are correct.
 The content and grammar are not correct.
There is no answer

      b. Answer Key  .  : Attached
c  Assessment Compass
1.               Every correct answer will be given 4 scores
2.               Every uncorrect answer will be given 2 scores
3.               If there is no answer, there will not be score
                                                                                                                                                  i.      The sum of Max Score  (10x4)+  (10x4)+(5x4) = 100
                                                                                                                                                ii.      The sum    100
4.               Max Mark  100
                                                              Receiving Score  
5.               Students’s Value =                             X 100
                                                      Max Score
         d. Final Value

On Behald of;
Headmaster ....................

( ........................... )
NIP/NIK :  .....................
Thursday, January 22th 2018
English Teacher,

( Wahyu Exky Pradana)
NIP /NIK :  15321.033

The First Attachment
Main Material
Preposition of Movement

The Definition of Preposition of Movement:
The words showing the relationship between things, usually in term of space, distance, time, etc.
Kinds of Preposition:
1)              Preposition of Movement
2)              Preposition of Place
3)              Preposition of Time

Definition of Preposition of Movement:
The words used to show the movement to or from a place.

Second attachment
Task 1. Listen and repeat after your teacher about the vocabularies of preposition of movement.

Task 2. Fill the column with the suitable answer according to the video.
1. ................
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
2. ................
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
3. ................
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
4. ................
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
5. ................
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
6. ................
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
7. ................
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
8. ................
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
9. ...............
a.through           b. into                 c. out                         d. toward
10. .............
a.through           b. into                 c. out                         d. toward

Task 3.Mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video.
1)              .......... on the foundation.
2)              .......... the bushes.
3)              .......... the path.
4)              .......... the bridge.
5)              .......... on the foundation.
6)              .......... the wall.
7)              .......... the fence.
8)              ........... the cactus.
9)              ........... the trees.
10)          ........... the fence.

Task 4. Please make these blank sentences to be a meaningful sentences using the suitable preposition of movements.
a.      Away from                         d. Past                           g. Along  
b.      Out of                                 e. Through                   h. Onto
c.       Off                                       f. Across
1)         The cat  is running ...... the street.
2)         She wants to stay ...... me.
3)         I walked ....... the museum.
4)         They jumped ....... the hill.
5)         Sarah was ...... the people.

Third Attachment
Answer Key
Task 1. Listen and repeat after your teacher about the vocabularies of preposition of movement.

Task 2. Fill the column with the suitable answer according to the video.
1. off
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
2. past
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
3. onto
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
4. around
a. off                 b. past                  c. around                   d. onto
5. across
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
6. along
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
7. up
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
8. down
a. across            b. up                    c. along                     d. down
9. through
a.through           b. into                 c. out                         d. toward
10. into
a.through           b. into                 c. out                         d. toward

Task 3.Mention the preposition of movement dealing with the illustration in the video.
1)              Up on the foundation.
2)               Into the bushes.
3)              Across the path.
4)               Under the bridge.
5)              Up on the foundation.
6)              Along the wall.
7)              Over the fence.
8)              Past  the cactus.
9)              Through the trees.
10)          Over the fence.
Task 4. Please make these blank sentences to be a meaningful sentences using the suitable preposition of movements.
1)         The cat  is running along the street.
2)         She wants to stay away from me.
3)         I walked into the museum.
4)         They jumped off the hill.
5)         Sarah was past the people.


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