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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Skizoprenia Disease in Gone Girl Novel; Phychoanalytic Approach

Penelitian ini digunakan untuk menganalisis fenomena schizophrenia yang tersirat dalam novel Gone Girl(2012) dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa Amy yaitu tokoh utama dalam novel Gone Girl menderita penyakit kejiwaan yang disebut dengan schizophrenia dikarenakan ciri-ciri, tipe dan penyebab yang dapat ditemukan dalam novel tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dimana data primer dari penelitian ini adalah novel Gone Girl dan data sekundernya adalah beberapa referensi dan materi yang berhubungan dengan penelitian. Penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa: 1. Semua orang bisa menderita penyakit schizophrenia jika memiliki ciri-ciri seperti neologisme, perasaan tidak stabil, terlalu terobsesi dengan kematian dan kekerasan. Penyalahgunaan obat-obatan, gemar memberikan barang pribadi, dan selalu merasa sendiri. 2. Jenis dari penyakit schizophrenia yang dapat ditemukan dalam diri Amy adalah waham jeleousy dan waham persecution. Waham jeleousy adalah penderita merasa bahwa pasangannya sudah tidak setia dan waham persecution adalah penderita merasa bahwa dikejar-kejar oleh seseorang yang berusaha melukainya. Penyebab dari schizophrenia adalah faktor stress dikarenakan kurangnya perhatian dari orang tua dan kekasih.
Kata kunci: Gone Girl, Schizophrenia, Pendekatan Psikoanalitik.
            This study is used to analyze the schizophrenia phenomenon reflected in the novel, Gone Girl by using Phsychoanalyzis. The objective of this study is to prove that Amy as the main character of this novel suffers schizophrenia disease because of the characteristics, types and causes of schizophrenia found in the novel. This study is quantitative research, in which the primer data is novel, Gone Girl and the seconder datas are several references and materials dealing with the research. This study can be taken as the conclution that: 1. Everyone can suffer schizophrenia disease if he or she has characteristics of schizophrenia, namely neologisme, unstable feeling, obsessed with death and violence, addicted with drugs, being fond of giving private object, and feeling alone 2. The types of schizophrenia located in Amy are Jeleousy Waham and Persecution Waham. Jeleousy Waham is the sufferer believes that his/her couple is not loyal. and Persecution Waham is The sufferers feel that they are being persued by someone wanting to disturb them. The cause of the schizophrenia found in this novel is because of stress coming from the lack of care from parents and beloved.
Keywords: Gone Girl, Schizophrenia, Psychoanalitic Approach.

A.    Introduction
Literature is a product of the unlimited imagination made by the author perhaps happened in the real life. It often reflects what is happening in the society about the author life. In order  to conduct any researches, there is actually no need to go to the society. Through reading the literatures made by the other authors, we will get knowledge of how the pattern of people’s behaviour and culture. People’s behaviour and culture can completely influence the thoughts about several problems that can then be reflected through something called as literature.  As what has been stated  by Wellek and Warren (1963: 22), they said that the term literature seems best if we limit it to the art of literature, that is, to imaginative literature. Literature is also produced by imagination of the author. Literature is not just a document of facts, it is not just the collection of real events though it may happen in the real life. Literature can create its own world as a product of the unlimited imagination and under Henry van Dyke’s opinion Literature consists of those writing which interpret the meanings of nature and life, in words of charm and power, touched with the personality of the author, in artistic forms of permanent interest.”.
Speaking of the types of literature, literature has five types, namely poetry, phrose, Non-Fiction and Media. One of those types that gets the highest people’ interest is phrose(novel). Novel is an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific setting. Within its broad framework, the genre of the novel has encompassed an extensive range of types and styles: picaresque, epistolary, Gothic, romantic, realist, historical to name only some of the more important ones. After reading a novel, there are many benefits we can obtain, namely 1. We can learn about life including how to behave and survive in the society, 2. We can also learn about how to develop the literature itself 3. We can consider literatures as our inspiration to be better in the future. 4. We are able to improve our english skill especially in reading. The possitive things I mentioned above could be found in Gone Girl, a novel made by Gillian Flynn, an American author, born in Kansas City, Missauri. Gone Girl is the third novel made by her and this novel is the best-selling novel ever.
Here is the brief story of the novel ‘Gone Girl’. The first part of the novel centres around Nick Dunne and his wife Amy's marriage. It alternates point of view between Nick and Amy, with Nick describing their relationship in the present day and Amy's diary entries depicting their relationship in the past. Their perspectives on their marriage are very different - Amy's diary portrays Nick as an aggressive, moody, idle and threatening husband while Nick describes Amy as someone who is needlessly difficult, anti-social, stubborn, and an irrational perfectionist.When Nick and Amy both lose their jobs in New York, they relocate to Nick's hometown in North Carthage, Missauri to help take care of Nick's sick mother. This causes their marriage to take a turn .Amy loved their life in New York and hates living in the Midwest. Amy soon after begins to resent Nick for making her move to his hometown.On their wedding anniversary, Amy disappears without a trace. Therefore over time, Nick eventually becomes a suspect in her disappearance. Among other reasons, his lack of emotion about Amy's disappearance and the discovery that Amy was pregnant when she went missing lead both the police as well as the public to believe that Nick may have murdered his wife.
In the second half of the book, the reader learns that the main characters are unreliable narrators, and that they are not being given all of the information. Nick is revealed to have been cheating on his wife and Amy is revealed to be alive and in hiding and is trying to frame Nick for her "death" as revenge for his perceived wrongs against her. Her pregnancy and her diary entries are revealed to be fake; she fabricated them in order to further incriminate Nick. Her plan is foiled, however, when she is robbed at the motel she was hiding in. Desperate, she seeks help from her ex-boyfriend Desi Collings, who agrees to hide her in his lake house but soon becomes possessive, causing Amy to feel trapped.Meanwhile, Nick has discovered that Amy is framing him for her murder based on the items she bought from credit cards in his name and hid in his sister Margo's woodshed, along with her anniversary gift of Punch and Judy puppets, one of which is missing a handle. However, since the clues she left for him on their annual anniversary treasure hunt are so ambiguous and based on their inside jokes that no one else would get, he has no way of proving it. Together, he and his lawyer work to change the public's perception of Nick. He is granted an interview with a popular talk show host. During the interview, he pretends to be apologetic for his infidelity and appeals to Amy to come back. It goes well with the public, but unfortunately the police have discovered the items in the woodshed that he swore weren't his, boxes of demeaning and violent porn videos, and Amy's diary. A few weeks later, they bring out the missing handle from the Punch and Judy puppets that had been soaked in Amy's blood and discovered in the fireplace, and they arrest Nick.
At Desi's lake house, Amy sees the TV interview and is convinced that Nick really does want her back. She murders Desi after seducing him and returns to her husband, who is out on bond. Upon her return, she fabricates a story that she had been kidnapped and imprisoned by Desi. Although Nick knows she's lying, he has no proof and is forced to return to married life with Amy as the media storm dies down.Though forced to remain with his wife, Nick soon begins writing a memoir detailing Amy's crimes and deceptions. Aware of Nick's intentions to expose her lies, Amy uses Nick's semen they had saved at a fertility clinic to make herself pregnant. She then forces him to delete his book by threatening to keep him from their unborn child. In the end, Nick deletes his memoir and chooses to stay with Amy for his child's sake.
The problems appearing in this novel are quite complicated or even awkward. There are a lot of unexpected things happened in this novel. When we notice carefully, the main cause of the problems emerging in this novel is because of psychological disease suffered by the main character of this novel, namely Amy. Phychological aspect of someone can absolutely affect his/her behaviour. Because of that, there must be a problem emerging because of unexpected disease dealing with someone’s psychology. According to what has been stated by Umery(1989), Phychological aspects can influence emerging problem because it deals with people’s behavior and mind.In this novel, Amy has many characteristics of Schizophrenia disease. This disease is a kind of phychological disease belonging to a serious mental disturbance caused by the damage of interior brain. Therefore, this respect will be extremely interesting to be analyzed.

B.     Object of the Study
The object of this study is to show that Amy as the main character of this novel suffers a psychological disease called as schizophrenia a serious mental distubance in the brain influencing the behaviour of the sufferer.

C.    Literary Review
According to Christian Nordqvist(1994) Psychology is the science of the mind and behavior. The word "psychology" comes from the Greek word psyche meaning "breath, spirit, soul", and the Greek word logia meaning the study of something.According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary, psychology is "The profession (clinical psychology), scholarly discipline (academic psychology), and science (research psychology) concerned with the behavior of humans and animals, and related mental and physiologic processes." Although psychology may also include the study of the mind and behavior of animals, in this article psychology refers to humans.
Here are some key points about psychology:
a.       Psychology is the study of behavior and the mind.We are unable to physically see mental processes such as thoughts, memories, dreams and perceptions.
b.      Clinical psychology is an integration science, theory, and practice.
c.       Cognitive psychology investigates internal mental processes such as how people think, perceive and communicate.
d.      Developmental psychology is the study of how a person develops psychologically over the course of their life.
e.       Evolutionary psychology examines how psychological adjustments during evolution have affected human behavior.
f.       Forensic psychology is the application of psychology to the process of criminal investigation and the law.
g.      Health psychology observes how health can be influenced by behavior, biology and social context.
h.      Neuropsychology examines the how the brain functions in relation to different behaviors and psychological processes.
i.        Occupational psychology investigates how people perform at work in order to develop an understanding of how organizations function.Social psychology is a study of how the behavior and thoughts of people are influenced by the actual or implied presence of others.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real or a severe and cronic mental disorder characterized by disturbance in thought.

D.    Methodology
 This chapter deals with underlying theory. This research paper uses psychoanalytic approach to analyze the novel because the theory of psychoanalytic has a big deal with human psyche, which can be used to analyze the major character’s psychological condition.
1.      Notion of Psychoanalysis
 Psychoanalysis is the theory from Sigmund Freud in 1856. The most influential theories in the field were personality by Sigmund Freud in 1856 – 1939. They believe that everything a person, feels, think, fantasizes, dreams, and does has psychological motive. He was very interested studied about unconscious mind. The unconscious is an important aspect of personality. Bringing what is unconscious to conscious is crucial therapy for neurotic disorders (Linda L, 201: 14).
According to Sigmund Freud, there are three parts of mind, conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The conscious and preconscious mind is the smallest parts of the mind, because in conscious mind it represents of your perceptions, memories, thoughts, fantasies, and feeling (Boree, 2003). According Boeree, different conscious and preconscious mind, unconscious mind is the biggest parts of the mind. It represents memories, emotions, and source of motivations.
2.      The Structure of Personality
a.       The id
Id is the only components personality present since born. Aspect personality be fully aware and including of behavior instinctive and primitive. The form of id such as wish, motivation, needs occurs spontaneously. The examples are thirst, hunger, cool, sex, and the other experiences show presence a need.
According to Freud, id is the root of all psychic energy, so that a major component personality. Id driven by the principle pleasure, “The pleasure principle does not take into account the feelings of others, society norms, or agreements between people” (Newman 1983: 385) that seeks to satisfaction immediately of all the wishes, desires, and needs. If this need not satisfied, the result is anxiety or tension.
Sex and aggression is also a part of id. The purpose of sex is a pleasure, but this pleasure is not limited to genital satisfaction (Feist, 1985. 33). And the aim of aggression is self-destruction. As with the sexual drive, aggression is flexible and can take a number of forms, such as teasing, gossip, sarcasm, humiliation. humor, and the enjoyment of other people’s suffering. The aggressive tendency is present in everyone and is the explanation for wars, atrocities, and religious persecution (Feist, 1985. 34).
b.      The ego
The second element in personality system is ego. Ego is a component personality responsible to deal with reality. According to Freud, ego develops from id and ensure that the id can be expressed in a manner acceptable in the real world. Function of ego both in the conscious mind, precious mind, and unconscious mind.
Unlike the id, the ego distinguishes between reality and fantasy, tolerates moderate amounts of tension, changes as function of new experience and endanger in rational cognitive activity (Feist, 1985:90).
According to Freud, ego is the structures personality dealing with the demand reality, which contains reasoning and understanding right. Ego tried to suppress action until she had a chance to understand reality accurately, understand what happened in the past and made plans which realistic in order to satisfy id. The function of ego is also to filter from the impulse who want to slaked based on the fact.
c.       The superego
The third part of personality called the superego. Superego is the personality system which has principle of morality consists of some values and evaluated norms. About superego, Freud says;
The long period of childhood, during which the growing human being lives is dependence upon his parents, leaves behind it a precipitate, which forms within his ego a special agency in which this parental influence is prolonged. It receives the name of super-ego (OP 3).
The function of superego is dealing with good or bad. Superego was more of a perfection that pleasure, therefore superego may be regarded as a moral issue that personality itself. Hall states that “superego is morality element branch of justice from personal system; superego is the internal representative of traditional values and evaluative norms” (Hall, 1988:35).
In Boeree (2003), he stated that there are two aspects to the superego: first is the conscience, which is an internalization of punishment and warnings. The other is called the ego ideal. It derives from rewards and positive models presented to the child. The conscience and ego ideal communicate their requirements to the ego with feelings like pride, shame, and guilt.

E.     Research Finding
            In this section the researcher presents the results of the study analyzed so far such as: the cause, types, and characteristics of Schizophrenia followed by the reason why the author exposed the Schizophrenia.
1.      The cause of Schizoprenia
           Stress is a part of a sequential process in which objective environtmental circumstance (i.e., stressors) are appraised by the individual as either having no adaptive significance or as stressful( i.e., presenting a potential threat, danger, change or challage to one’s well-being or survival).
First evidence
I go home and cry for a while. I am almost thirty-two.That’s not old, especially not in New York, but fact is, it’sbeen years since I even really liked someone. So how likelyis it I’ll meet someone I love, much less someone I loveenough to marry? I’m tired of not knowing who I’ll be with, orif I’ll be with anyone.I have many friends who are married – not many whoare happily married, but many married friends. The fewhappy ones are like my parents: They’re baffled by my singleness. A smart, pretty, nice girl like me, a girl with somany interests and enthusiasms, a cool job, a loving family. And let’s say it: money. They knit their eyebrows and pretend to think of men they can set me up with, but we all know there’s no one left, no one good left, and I know that they secretly think there’s something wrong with me,something hidden away that makes me unsatisfiable,unsatisfying.(GG.49)
            Second evidence
I speak specifically of the Amy of today, who was only remotely like the woman I fell in love with. It had been an awful fairy-talereverse transformation. Over just a few years, the old Amy,the girl of the big laugh and the easy ways, literally shedherself, a pile of skin and soul on the floor, and out steppedthis new, brittle, bitter Amy. My wife was no longer my wifebut a razor-wire knot daring me to unloop her, and I was notup to the job with my thick, numb, nervous fingers. Countryfingers. Flyover fingers untrained in the intricate, dangerouswork of solving Amy. When I’d hold up the bloody stumps,she’d sigh and turn to her secret mental notebook on whichshe tallied all my deficiencies, forever notingdisappointments, frailties, shortcomings. My old Amy,damn, she was fun. She was funny. She made me laugh. I’dforgotten that. And she laughed. From the bottom of her throat, from right behind that small finger-shaped hollow,which is the best place to laugh from. She released hergrievances like handfuls of birdseed: They are there, andthey are gone.(GG.77)

2.      The types of Schizoprenia
a.       Waham jealousy
In this regard, the sufferer believes that his/her couple is not loyal. After figuring out that there is women’s namein the crumpled piece of notebook paper. Then she thinks that Nick cheats with other women.

Then I unroll the crumpled piece of notebook paperand see a girl’s handwriting Hannah and a phone number. I wish it were like the movies, the name something silly, CanDee or Bambie, something you could roll your eyes at. Misti with two hearts over the I’s. But it’s Hannah, which is a real woman, presumably like me. Nick has never cheated on me, he has sworn it, but I also know he has ample opportunity. I could ask him about Hannah, and he’d say, I have no idea why she gave me her number, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I took it. Which may be true. Or not. He could cheat on me and he would never tell me, and he would think less and less of me for not figuring it out. He would see me across the breakfast table, innocently slurping cereal, and know that I am a fool, and how can anyone respect a fool? Now I am crying again, with Hannah in my hand. It’s a very female thing, isn’t it, to take one boys’ night and snowball it into  a marital infidelity that will destroy our marriage?(GG.105)
b.      Waham persecution
The sufferers feel that they are being persued by someone wanting to disturb them. It happens when Amy goes to mall for buying a gun and tells Lonnie that she is afraid because of being persued by someone unmentioned.

Amy had come to the mall to buy a gun on Valentine’s Day, of all days, that’s what our friend Lonnie had said. She was a little abashed, a little nervous: Maybe I’m being silly,but … I just really think I need a gun. Mostly, though, she was scared. Someone was unnerving her, she told Lonnie.She gave no more details, but when he asked her what kind of gun she wanted, she said: One that stops someone fast. He told her to come back in a few days, and she did. He hadn’t been able to get her one (‘It’s not really my bag,man’), but now he wished he had. He remembered her well;over the months, he’d wondered how she was now and then, this sweet blonde with the fearful face, trying to get a gun on Valentine’s Day.(GG.180)

3.      The characteristics of Schizophrenia
a.       Neologisme
Neologisme is condition when the words uttered by the sufferers do not make sense to the other or the meaning of the words could not be guessed.

First evidence
I thought of Amy’s calendar, the one that went three years into the future, and if you looked a year ahead, you would actually find appointments: dermatologist, dentist,
vet. ‘She’s a planner – she doesn’t, you know, wing anything. She likes to make lists and check things off. Get things done. That’s why this doesn’t make sense(GG.77)
         Second evidence
In my car, I fumbled open the envelope marked fourth clue. We had to be near the end.
Picture me: I’m a girl who is very bad
I need to be punished, and by punished, I mean had
It’s where you store goodies for anniversary five
Pardon me if this is getting contrived!
A good time was had here right at sunny midday
Then out for a cocktail, all so terribly gay.
So run there right now, full of sweet sighs,
And open the door for your big surprise.
My stomach seized. I didn’t know what this one meant.I reread it. I couldn’t even guess. Amy had stopped taking it easy on me. I wasn’t going to finish the treasure hunt after all.(GG.196)

b.      Unstable feeling
In this respect, the suffer sometimes undergoes unstable feeling whenever deciding something. Amy here believes that Nick does not love her anymore but then, she thinks that Nick is not like that.
First evidence
Stop it, stop it. I must look on the bright side. Literally. I must take my husband out of my dark shadowy thoughts and shine some cheerful golden light on him. I must do better at adoring him like I used to. Nick responds to adoration. I just wish it felt more equal. My brain is so busy with Nick thoughts, it’s a swarm inside my head: Nicknicknicknicknick! And when I picture his mind, I hear my name as a shy crystal ping that occurs once, maybe twice, a day and quickly subsides. I just wish he thought about me as much as I do him.(GG.203)

Second evidence        
I know this sounds the stuff of moony teenage girls, but I’ve been tracking Nick’s moods. Toward me. Just to make sure I’m not crazy. I’ve got a calendar, and I put hearts on any day Nick seems to love me again, and black squares when he doesn’t. The past year was all black squares,pretty much. But now? Nine days of hearts. In a row. Maybe all he needed to know was how much I loved him and how unhappy I’d become. Maybe he had a change of heart. I’ve never loved a phrase more.(GG.242)

c.       Obsessed with death and violence
In this respect, Amy confesses that she was being raped by Desy Collings and as the resistance she killed Desy Collings.
 I still have Desi’s semen inside me from the last time he raped me, so the medical examination goes fine. My ropewreathed wrists, my damaged vagina, my bruises – the body I present them is textbook. An older male doctor with humid breath and thick fingers performs the pelvic exam scraping and wheezing in time – while Detective Rhonda Boney holds my hand. It is like being clutched by a cold bird claw. Not comforting at all. Once she breaks into a grin when she thinks I’m not looking. She is absolutely thrilled that Nick isn’t a bad guy after all. Yes, the women of America are collectively sighing. Police have been dispatched to Desi’s home, where they’ll find him naked and drained, a stunned look on his face, a few strands of my hair in his clutches, the bed soaked in blood. The knife I used on him, and on my bonds, will be nearby on the floor where I dropped it, dazed, and walked barefoot, carrying nothing out of the house but his keys – to the car, to the gate – and climbed, still slick with his blood, into his vintage Jaguar and returned like some long-lost faithful pet, straight back home to my husband. I’d been reduced to an animal state; I didn’t think of anything but getting back to Nick.(GG.517)

d.      Addicted with drugs
Occationally, they,the sufferers are too obsessed with the drug abusement.
After Amy cut it off with Desi, he still lingered aroundthe Wickshire campus, a ghostly figure in dark blazers,leaning against wintry, leafless oak trees. Amy returned from a dance one February night to find him lying on her bed, naked, on top of the covers, groggy from a very marginal pill overdose. Desi left school shortly after.(GG.177)

e.       Being fond in giving the private objects.
When Amy’s parent ask for being given money for their finantial increasingly decreasing, she directly says she would give them without any considerations from Nick
Well, the trust fund is your money, so of course you can borrow from it,’ I say. I just want this to be over; the hopeful look on my parents’ faces, I can’t stand it. ‘How much do you think you need, to pay everything off and feel comfortable for a while?’ My father looks at his shoes. My mother takes a deep breath. ‘Six hundred and fifty thousand,’ she says.
‘Oh.’ It is all I can say. It is almost everything we have.‘Amy, maybe you and I should discuss—’ Nick begins.‘No, no, we can do this,’ I say. ‘I’ll just go grab my checkbook.’(GG.129)

f.       Feeling alone
They, the sufferers think that they are always alone even if they are surrounded by a lot of people.
Then no one else wants to talk to me  that fast and the PR girl pretends it’s a good thing: Now you can get back to your party! I wriggle back into the (small) crowd, where my parents are in full hosting mode, their faces flushed – Rand with his toothy prehistoric-monster-fish smile, Marybeth with her chickeny, cheerful head bobs, their hands intertwined, making each other laugh, enjoying each other, thrilled with each other  and I think, I am so fucking lonely.(GG.49)
F.     Discussion
After the reseacher analyzes this novel using schizophrenia theory, It is clear that Amy has many characteristics as schizophrenia sufferer, namely neologisme, unstable feeling, drug abuse, obsessed wih death and violence, being fond in giving private objects, and feeling alone.There are two causes why people become schizophrenia sufferer, such as 1. Gen factor 2. Environmental factor(stress). In this case, the cause why Amy suffers schizoprenia is because of environmental factor, stress. She became stress when she got problems with her parent and her beloved. Parents are people who always look ofter their children, but Amy’s parent Rand and Marybeth always forced Amy to be a child like what they want.
Amy in this novel suffers two types of schizoprenia, such as Jeleousy waham and Persecution Waham. Jeleousy Waham is the sufferer believes that his or her beloved is no longer loyal. When Amy found out the name of Hanna, she spontaniously thought that Nick is not loyal anymore. Meanwile persecution waham is the sufferer feel that they are being persued by someone wanting to attack them. It happens when Amy went to mall for buying a gun used to survive herself for someone tying to disturbing her but she didn’t tell who are teasing her to Lonnie.
Gone Girl novel is romantic and thrillers. This novel tells about destruction of the marriage relationship as a result of difference that is owned by two people, Nick and Amy. Amy is a person who perfect, brilliant, unreliable, and easy going. While Nick, as a person who romantic, can be pleasant couples and love sex. After several times Nick and Amy married until the problem make destruction their marriage.
From the psychoanalytic perspective, it is the evidence that id, ego, superego have a role to make Amy’s schizophrenia. Amy’s id is more dominant than her ego and superego and can take an effect to Amy become a schizophrenia. If her superego is more dominant than her id, she will understand what Nick’s doing and give an advice that he is wrong. The another id that will know when she kills Desi. She just to seek her pleasure and in order to get the goal has reached. The ego has function to express and gratify Amy’s desire of id and also as a tool to be accepted in the public.
Sex and aggression is also a part of id. The aim of sex is to get pleasure. According to Freud, this pleasure is not limited to genital satisfaction, but all to get the pleasure is sex. There are two drive that related in sex are sadism and masochism. Sadism is the need for sexual pleasure with inflicting pain another person, and masochism is the need for sexual pleasure with inflicting pain by self. Amy is affect sadism. Because she can get the pleasure when she can slander her husband, Nick, with all the lying. And the next is aggression. According to Freud, as with the sexual drive, aggression is flexible and can take a number of forms, such as teasing, gossip, sarcasm, humiliation. Humor and the enjoyment of other people are suffering. Amy’s very enjoy if Nick get problem. She just watches it and she get her pleasure every time she punishes Nick.
According Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1949: 75) psychology of literature means “the psychological study of the writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or the study of the psychological types and laws present within works of literature, or, finally, the effects of literature upon its readers (audience psychology). Gillian Flynn makes the story in this novel so interesting. She describes the dark side of woman, more precisely as a wife. She wanted to show that the woman can cruel as the man, even a psychopath. In this novel, Amy described as smart people, can speak well, referring to influence others, and a liar. That is why she easy to execute and misled the others. Gillian Flynn also talks about the important to build a marriage. Be honesty and be overt to the partner. But, marriage can be real killer, because if the couple don’t be honesty and be overt so the bad things will be happening. Marriage is different with courtship, courtship is more beautiful and amazing.  
The relation between literature and psychology is literature can affect the readers feeling, personality, and knowledge. So, Gillian Flynn writes gone girl as one of literary work to describe that schizophrenia can occur in every people in the world, including in the marriage. The conflict begins when The Amy’s parent wrote Amyzing Amy which is the reflection of Amy, but is is actually not like what Amy is, besides her husband Nick doesn’t often care her anymore. Amy thinks Nick doesn’t love her anymore as he often goes out without Amy and there is unhonesty with Nick. Nick occationally lies of what he has done and even they do not their anniversary because Nick is out. Because of those reasons, Amy fell alone and strees. Then, she becomes schizoprenia sufferer. In order to get Nick’s interest again, Amy intend to do such insane things. She plans to make her disappearance. Then she comes back after killing Desy accused being raped her. When she was pregnant, she tells Nick that the baby in  her worm is his.
G.    Conclusion
I would like to sum up what the researcher has done or analyzed.
First, the cause of schizoprenia is environmental factor stress. Stress is a part of a sequential process in which objective environtmental circumstance (i.e., stressors) are appraised by the individual as either having no adaptive significance or as stressful( i.e., presenting a potential threat, danger, change or challage to one’s well-being or survival).
Second the types of schizoprenia reflected in Amy in this novel is jeleousy waham and persecution waham. Jeleousy Waham is the sufferer believe that his or her beloved is no longer loyal. When Amy found out the name of Hanna, she spontaniously thought that Nick is not loyal anymore. Meanwile persecution waham is the sufferer feel that they are being persued by someone wanting to attack them. It happens when Amy went to mall for buying a gun used to survive herself for someone tying to disturbing her but she didn’t tell who are teasing her to Lonnie
The third is the characteristics of schizophrenia are neologisme, unstable feeling, drug abuse, obsessed wih death and violence, being fond in giving private objects, and feeling alone.
At last, the reason why the auther took schizophrenia phenomenon in this novel is because of he wanted to show the side of dark women. In is under the interview concucted in 2013.

H.    References
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Farewell Party in Ban Makkhaeng School

January, 28th 2019 The time to run farewell party at Ban Makkhaeng School At that time, Ban Makkhaeng school held a special occasio...